The Holy Eucharist and the cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary were the inexhaustible sources of blessed Ivan Merz’s religious life. It is therefore recommended that confession be made and Holy Communion received at least once during the novena. It is also advisable to pray at least a decade of the rosary every day. After the rosary the following prayer should be said:
Almighty Eternal God, in the person of blessed Ivan you gave us a wonderful example of faith and love for Christ and the Church. During his short life Ivan, with the help of your grace, developed his many virtues encouraging us to follow the example of his dedication to your holy will, his patience in carrying the crosses of every day life and his unselfish love for his neighbour. His inexhaustible work for spreading Christ’s Kingdom in the souls of the young has led many people to you, who alone can give true sense to human life. Convinced that Ivan’ saintly life is dear to you, we are asking you to condescend to give him the honour of canonization, so that his example could help us on our journey to our heavenly home. Grant us the grace of imitating the strength of his faith, the unselfishness of his love and his apostolic zeal, thus enabling us to approach the ideal of Christian perfection he has shown us with his life. Bestow upon me, with, his intercession, the special grace I am asking of you now… if it serves the benefit of my soul and your glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father… Ave Maria…. Glory be….
(Imprimatur. No. 1415. -Zagreb 25. VII. 1979. -Nadbiskupski duhovni stol. Dr. Josip Lach, biskup.)
This litany is made according to the epithets which the friends and worshippers of the blessed Ivan Merz assigned to him after his death, and which were published in various articles and publications dedicated to him.
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, hear us!
Christ, graciously hear us!
God, the Father, have mercy on us!
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us!
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!
Blessed Ivan, the light from heaven, pray for us!
Prophet of God, pray for us!
Worshipper of the Heart of Jesus, pray for us!
Knight of Christ the King, pray for us!
Ardent admirer of the Eucharist, pray for us!
Pure son of the Blessed Virgin, pray for us!
Obedient and faithful son of the Catholic Church, pray for us!
Sincere lover of the Holy Father, pray for us!
Devoted respecter of the church hierarchy, pray for us!
Diligent promoter of church teaching, pray for us!
Blessed Ivan, hero of love, pray for us!
Giant of spirit, pray for us!
God’s work of art, pray for us!
Master-piece of the Holy Spirit, pray for us!
Great liturgical soul, pray for us!
Apostle of the youth, pray for us!
Knight of the female honour, pray for us!
Blessed Ivan, the ideal of struggle against sin, pray for us!
Ideal of self-control and asceticism, pray for us!
Ideal of growing in sanctity, pray for us!
Patient bearer of the cross, pray for us!
Plenitude of Christian maturity, pray for us!
Signpost of contemporary generation, pray for us!
Path of our time, pray for us!
Witness, patron and our fellow-traveller, pray for us!
Brother Ivan, pray for us!
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
spare us!
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us!
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us!
Let us pray!
God, our Father, Blessed Ivan, faithful to his baptismal call for sanctity, worked hard in the field of bringing up youth in the faith and in christian life. Grant us the grace that we may, strengthened by his advocacy and inspired by his example, faithfully and bravely continue to announce the Gospel and be witnesses of it. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
About the graces received through the intercession of blessed Ivan Merz, please write to the following address:
Jordanovac 110, p.p. 169
HR- 10000 ZAGREB,
Phone: 00385.1.4922.092
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